£14.99 pcm is cost of Credit Expert as of 30/08/2011.


How much does “CreditExpert”, from Experian cost in the UK?

£14.99 pcm!!!!

That is just short of £180 a year.


For some reason Experian are remarkably coy about publicising how much Credit Expert costs. It appears to be one of the most commonly asked questions in the CreditExpert FAQ section “What does membership Cost?” but they manifestly fail to answer the question. They prefer to talk of free trials. As with many trials it is easy to sign up but more difficult to cancel – which can only be done by phone.


In the FAQ they talk about “appropriate monthly or annual fee”. There is no annual fee option. There appears to have been an annual option back in 2004 when the price was £49.99.


On the CreditExpert site the Learn More link is the only place I could see where they tell you the price up front. Terms and Conditions are here. Or from the main Experian Site.


Is it Worth It?


Unless you are extremely concerned about Identity Theft or incredibly wealthy the answer is probably no. If you are in desperate need of improving your credit score there are cheaper options. Experian now bundle in Identity Theft Insurance but the chances of you claiming on this are extremely remote. One of the most useful features is the facility to receive text messages to your mobile phone each time significant information held about you changes. This should prevent Identity Theft without needing the insurance.


Examples of significant changes are:



It is surprising how often you might get text messages but as an average perhaps 18 times a year. So each text message is costing you £10. The cost to Experian is probably 20p or less.


It is a simple process to receive your statutory credit report (which by law is charged at £2) from the three main Credit Reference Agencies: Experian, Equifax or CallCredit. You can follow the links below:



Experian are in a very privileged position in terms of being able to hold detailed financial and other information, such as details from the Electoral Roll, about all of us. They seem to be taking full advantage of that privileged position. It is notable that relatively recently the cost of CreditExpert was £7.99 pcm. 


If you still want to sign up you can follow the link below:

